Saturday, February 15, 2014

Nope Zee is not just a's a bad case of pneumonia

Last night was horrible... I literally cried out loud.
I was feeling so helpless... I couldn't sleep because of the cough, fever and the pain in my chest from all the coughing. This morning, I couldn't wait for the Prompt care to open so that I could go see a doctor. I was feeling and looking terrible. My hair was a mess, but I put a hat on and drove to the Prompt Care. Thank Lord there were not so many people there and I didn't have to wait for so long.
I have been worried about my heart beat rate that has been high this week, so I mentioned to the doctor and she explained me that it has been like that because I have been running a fever. She prescribed me a strong dosage of antibiotic, some breathing treatment  and I am sure life will be back to normal soon.
Sometimes God uses different ways to show us how loved we are...
My daughter Isabella was in the bedroom with me earlier. She told me that she couldn't sleep last night either because she was worried about me downstairs  sick. I told her that she should not worry about me because I was going to be fine. She looked at me with the her beautiful little face and said: "but mommy, I have never seen you crying before"
I had no clue she could hear me from upstairs... I never thought my little piece of me was so caring....
How about Squeakers, our fur baby?! She wouldn't leave for nothing in this world... I love my babies so much...
I hope tonight won't be so bad... I don't want to scare the ones I love...
Thank you Lord. For allowing me to realize that I needed to go see a doctor...
Thank you for being in my life always...
Life is amazing....

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