Monday, April 29, 2013

Celebrating a decade in the USA. Thank you America :)))

10 years ago, we were arriving at the O'Hare Chicago airport. Tamy,  my oldest daughter, Pink, my beloved poodle and I...

This morning I have been going through my memories, I remember how different it was to us, Poor pink had just had her hair cut and she was so cold and shaky, when I finally let her go outside to pee, she peed for so long.. Poor thing.. Then, I remember our drive on  our way to Springfield, it was so much different from the things I used to see on TV... I had another image in my mind of how things were like here in the USA.
When we finally got home, Brian's house was so little and I thought that all the houses here looked like doll houses LOL. Oh boy, something that I think it was the hardest to get used to, it was the fact that we had to keep all the doors closed because of the heater or air conditioning. Our doors is always open in Brazil, so that seemed insane to me to keep the doors closed all the time but, oh well, if we must, we must LOL

It was a small house but very cozy, Brian prepared everything to receive us. Tamy's room was so pretty and well painted and so it was our bedroom. I didn't like the mismatch couches and the old trunk that he used as coffee table in the TV room but, I knew that would change soon LOL.

It was a lot of things to get used to, Tamy had no problem adapting to this new Country, she fit right in.

All my first time doing everything was a  disaster LOL, my first haircut in the USA, my husband took me to one of the fast and cheap hair cuter places and when he went to pick me up I was sitting on the sidewalk crying because the lady cut my bangs so short and made me look like a Native Indian girl in Brazil. My first time driving in the snow, oh gosh, I will never forget. I had no clue how it was like and we lived in a very busy street, I had to be very fast getting out of the driveway, that day boy, I learned what making donuts was like, my first Chevy tracker started spinning in the middle of the street like crazy and I thought, what the heck is going on???? It was fun thought... LOL



My First tornado, oh boy, that was the SCARIEST thing in my life. Isabella was 3 weeks old and I was all by myself since Brian and Tamy went to pick up his mother at the airport in Saint Louis... I will never forget that day...

But oh the first snow... The first snow was AMAZING :) Anita Phillips, my first friend in the USA, called me and told me to look outside and oh my.. Its was snowing... So beautiful. Thank God for Anita and my friend Beth Hall who helped me so much at the beginning of our journey in the new land... You guys made things so much easier for me... Beth is in heaven and resting in God's arms, Anita in a decade has moved to Brazil, came back to the USA, got divorced, re married and is happy, thank Lord... Love you Anita :)

The American culture is so different from the Brazilian one... Once I got used to it things got easier to me. I remember something that really got my attention when we first moved here was the patriotism of the American people. Every house had a flag, I remember emailing my friends about that, how beautiful it was to see how Americans love the country. Now, I am half Brazilian and half American. I love this country too and I want to see this wonderful country get better and better, no matter which party is in command, no matter, if it is Democrats, Republicans or Tea Party, I love America and I am thankful for being so welcome so well into this Nation.

Today I want to say, THANK YOU USA for allowing us to live here, have my beautiful little family, grow my business and don't be afraid to dream as Eleanor Roosevelt, said  "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."



Sunday, April 28, 2013

What is the right price for what we want?

Last Friday, my husband Brian and I, went to   pick up Isabella, out daughter, who was playing at her friend's home, we noticed the next neighborhood was having a  garage sale, so, we decided to drive around and check them out. I love garage sale :)) Don't you?

We went to one of the sales and found Isabella a nice little table for her playroom, then,  I saw this bicycle, it looked brand new, it was complete with the helmet and everything else. I have been wanting a bike for quite a while but, haven't had the time to go buy one, it is always one thing or another and  I always end up forgetting. My husband told me, you should buy this bike, it looks brand knew it's $125.00. I looked at him and told, this is a garage sale, how can I pay $125.00 for an used bike, no matter how nice it looks? As, it was the first day of the sale, I didn't have the heart to bargain. As we kept driving around, the more I thought about that bike, the more seemed like it would work perfect for me, then it got late and we came back home.

Next day, first thing in the morning I told my husband, I want to go there and get that bike, I really like it, so, we got dressed and left, I knew exactly where that house was but, when we got there it was too late. The lady had sold it and I got really disappointed. Why didn't I get it yesterday? I thought that as it was already almost 6:00 o'clock in the evening, they would be closing the sale soon and I would have the time to come next day in the morning and buy it. Yesterday it was too late.

I learned a very important lesson losing that bike. I've learned that if we see something that we really want it right in front of us, we have the money to buy it, so why not? why to wait until tomorrow? Tomorrow may never come...

I know it was just a bike and I can find many others out there but, I have learned that from now on, whenever I see something that there is only one and I have the chance to get it right at that moment, I will do it and period!

It reminded me from  last year when a lady saw one of my first birthday dresses on my website, she loved it but, she didn't buy it. As I always say, my little dresses are not the kind of dresses you will find any place else, I don't keep stock of dresses, I buy a few at a time, unless you print a picture and have somebody else embroider it exactly like mine. That is the only way you could get it, but, it wouldn't be unique no more, it would be a copy.

That lady, some days later emailed me telling that she saw a dress on my website and she wanted  one exactly like that one. I wish I could have helped her with any other dress but, she had her heart set on that one dress and it was gone. I felt so bad for her when I read her last email, 'I REALLY WANTED THAT DRESS" she said. I know now, exactly how she felt.

My advice to you is, if you are looking for something, you can afford it, it is right there in front of you, BUY IT, somebody else might grab it first and then, you will be wondering for a while "what the heck was I thinking?" I have learned that the price of something is not the price that it has on its tag, it is how much you really want it... I have seen and have done that already, seen something that I don't really want it, or need it, but the price is so cheap that "I just couldn't pass it"  Isn't that ridiculous? We bring a product home because it is to cheap to pass on it, and we end up selling it  at our garage sale for a quarter. What a big profit we make when we do that huh? LOL

We human being are very complicated... Its so hard to understand why we act like that sometimes.

I have learned that one already, when I see something that I think I should buy because it is to cheap, I put that money aside for when I see something that is expensive but I really want or need.

Just wanted to share my thoughts. Sometimes It's so much better when we learn with other people's mistakes than our own :)))

Have a great week ahead kids...

God bless


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Customer service with a smile on my face :))

Good morning kids :)))

What a beautiful sunny day! The sun shinning really helps us feel better...

This week has been such a challenging week for Zee, oh well, who told you that anything had to be easy to me? That is how I learn things, that is how I appreciate what I have.

Tuesday, I was having one of those days, problems with the machines and everything else. I got a call from a lady who needed this little receiving blanket for her granddaughter who lives in Washington DC for Thursday, today. She was so excited when she called me, she said she had finally found what she had been looking for, a little receiving blanket with a little lamb. She said she had looked for one all over town and internet and couldn't find it. I told her to come over and I would see what I could do for her.

I was stressed out, could have told her I couldn't do it, I didn't know her, it was her first time calling Zee. But that is the difference between  Embroidea Custom Embroidery and the other embroidery places. Zee doesn't work for the money only. Zee likes to do whatever she can to bring a smile on people's face :))

The customer came over, we went through my blankets and there wasn't one that would work for her. I told her if she would go to the store and try to find a blank receiving blanket I could have it made just like she wanted it to be.

I stopped everything and started working on her design. Was the amount I charged her worth of my time ? Nope, it wasn't. But the blanket is ready for pick up and I cant wait to see her smile when she sees it.

This is what I call Customer Service, do whatever we can do make our Customers happy. When I go to any other retail store, I always pay attention how they treat their Customers and I have learned a lot.

Customer is always right. I don't like saying that to much LOL  but, it is true. I have customers who came to my place and asked to have their embroidery done in  an old gold color thread. I get an old gold color to show them and NO, it isn't that, then, we figured out that it was actually more like a copper color and the customer kept calling it old gold. At the end she would ask me, do you think this color will work good with my apparel? and Zee goes " SURE it will, you have picked the most beautiful "old gold" color that I have. LOL

Sometimes, light yellow they call it green, have called silver a dark gray... Oh well, whatever name they give to the colors, they are always right! I am here to serve and do my work the best I can.

Today, is Thursday and the week is almost over, I am not in a hurry for it to be over yet because I still have LOTS of work to get done for this week and I expect things to get better and better, and IT WILL!

Just wanted to take a break, say "Hi" and let you know that no matter how your day is going, as long as you are breathing, Life is Good. A sore throat? Nah, just have a cough drop LOL

You all have a wonderful Thursday and God bless and be with us all.. AMEN!



Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday.. Monday...

Monday … Monday…


Have I already told you that I love Mondays? LOL


Yes, I always do, but, today it’s been one of those days… My machine has a “color change seek error message” I have searched all over the Internet how to fix it without calling the repair guy but, I haven’t had any luck... Maybe tomorrow…


Do you know what? Although I feel stressed out, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I guess I have something to learn. Things like not accepting orders to be done next day like I always do J well, how can I do that? I don’t have the heart to say no to my customers. I like to feel useful, help everybody out. It’s 7:42 pm and I am still working. Thank God I love my embroidery work.  When we do what we love, we don’t feel like we are working


I won’t lie and say that I haven’t cursed like a sailor today because I do have. That is ok too, I work only by myself... I can do whatever I feel like doing, this is the beauty of being self-employed LOL. Well, but I cursed text messaging with Fred, I wonder if I am going to hell LOL


Nobody can go to hell for cursing by themselves right? Ok kids, it doesn’t matter how troubled my day has been, all that matters is, I had one more day of life to spend with the ones I love J Life is good. Isn’t it?


I am so glad also for the great friends we have J Poor Fred tried hard to cheer me up today LOL Zee was not a happy camper! LOL


It’s all going to be all right when that Mr. Technician comes and gives all my babies machine a tune upJ They are really needing it J


Its 8:49 now and I am starving, I think I am going to embroidery two more shirts and call it a day J  there is a good smell of food coming from the kitchen! I wonder what my wonderful husband is making for dinner J Whatever it is I bet it is going to be delicious, as my mom always says “ when we are hungry we don’t pick the color of plate  that we are going to eat off” LOL My mom and her sayings… She makes me laugh and smile only by thinking of her…


Thank you Lord for one more day, it’s all good. Tomorrow will be a better day.


God bless the entire world.


Peace and love



Sunday, April 21, 2013

First Brazilian party without you Beth Hall

What a beautiful Sunday! Sun is shinning , life is good :)))

Yesterday we had our Brazilian get together party and had lots of fun. Each one cooked a Brazilian dish and we celebrated Springtime at Juliana and Greg's home. It makes us feel good  and appreciate that even so far away from home, we have each other to speak our Language, laugh, eat, drink and have fun together.  This is how Brazilians are, we always get together there in Brazil, we forget about work, problems and everything else, we enjoy life. When I lived  In Brazil, on the weekends, we always did something fun like having barbecue, going fishing, dancing, having friends and family over, it was a lot of fun. We miss that type of lifestyle living in the USA, so, whenever it is possible our Brazilian community get together and we always find a reason to celebrate. Life goes to fast we have to enjoy it while it last, do the best we can, help others, laugh and be happy. Last year, we lost one of our members and dearest friend Beth Hall  who battled against cancer. She found out she had it when her second child was born and she fought for 17 years straight. She was one of the people who helped me in so many ways when my daughter and I moved to the USA in 2003. She knew about everything, whatever I needed, all I had to do is call Beth.

Last night we missed her at our first get together after she passed away. Beth was always present at our parties, always cooking good food, always full of energy, always laughing, joyful, always looking for something to help with. She said she couldn't stop moving because if she stopped she knew that the cancer would kill her. Last year my friend finally gave up, the cancer got her liver and took her always from us. Although I was making people laugh last night, what I know how to do the best other than my embroidery work, I was feeling her presence with us. I told only to another one of our friends that I was missing Beth because I didn't want to cause sadness to everybody but, God knows I was thinking of Beth, her contagious presence will always be among us. I am so glad that in her last years of life we started this Brazilian group and we got to spend time with her. At the end Beth and I so close, I didn't want to let her go, I wanted her to stay longer but she told me she was ready, she was tired of that fight, her two boy were in college, all grown up so, she felt she was ready. A day before she left this world, she called me and invited me to her house to eat a Brazilian dish that her mommy had made, she knew I loved "coxinha" she called at 4:00 o'clock in the evening and asked me to come over. My husband, my daughter and I went to her home and when I was living to come back to my house, she held me very tight and I felt like that was going to be the last time I would see my friend alive. I was right...

At the end my friend Beth didn't look like herself no more, her skin had turned dark, I guess it had to do with her liver shutting down... Just want to say Beth, right there where you are in heaven, I know you were watching us with that big smile of yours, I knew you were there. I've promised you to run the Relay for life every year in your honor and I will do that. You will never be forgotten my friend...

There is no more chemo, radiation, surgeries, medicines, no more suffering, you are in God's arms. I was so glad I could tell "I love you" before  you left. God bless you!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Breakfast among the Red Cross heroes of 2013

What a good place to have breakfast this morning :)))  Among heroes, people that have found really joy, pride and satisfaction helping others and making a difference in this world. The Red Cross did a wonderful job recognizing this heroes. The ones we don’t see on TV every day, the ones we don’t even know that they exist.

It felt so good and rewarding to be among those people this morning, I felt completely at home. I knew I wasn’t alone and there is a lot of people out there who feel just like I do, feel like they have a mission to accomplish in this world and they found out what it is. Since the young girl who sends shoe boxes filled with items to the Soldiers fighting overseas to the elderly lady who volunteers at the school, all of them, one thing stayed with me, the lady that said. “I don’t want to just stay sitting on that chair at home, if I do that I will die” That is so true! If we don’t get out and do something to make this world a better place, we will die… We want a better place for our kids. We all want them to live in a better world.

I feel proud of myself donating every month to the wonderful Red Cross. It’s not too much but sometimes I get myself thinking how wonderful if all of us donated that same amount every month, how many people we could help in this world?

I feel so fortunate because in my business, I don’t spend money with advertising, everything I would use for that, I instead donate to organizations that I believe helps this world being a better place. My wonderful Customers, God bless each and every one of them, do that for me, they advertise my business for me. Word of mouth is my advertising. The reviews that my Customers leaves for me  is my advertising and my work speaks for itself. So, because of all of you all, I am able to help in my community

God bless your heart!

God bless America,

God bless the entire world!!!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Peace on Earth


Good morning Mr. World...

Why don't you change for the better?

I don't think I can  watch the news no more. It's one bad news after another... It makes me sick of my stomach watching all this bad stuff going on. Why this hunger to hurt each other?

My heart is pretty sad with all the bad news we see on TV and the ones we live ourselves. There is bad people everywhere...

The other day, I almost got scammed. Somebody with a thick oriental accent saying that he was from Windows called and told I was having issues with my windows 8. As it has been less than a month since I bought this PC. A bad timing coincidence because I HAVE been having some issues with my computer, so, I believed him. I did everything he asked me to do until he asked to have access to my computer to fix all the errors, THEN, I woke up and realize that was very weird. I called my husband who is a computer programmer and told him what was going on and he told me to NOT let anybody access my computer. The next day the same person called again but this time my husband was at home and I passed him the phone. They tried the same thing with him. What in the world do I have on my computer to interest these people? Why so many bad people in this world trying to take advantage on us?

Why this hunger to show which country has more missile, which one is stronger? richer? Wouldn't life be so wonderful if  we all lived in harmony? We all have good and bad in us, why don't we  feed the good part and let the bad one perish?

I know its not easy, we are living in a world where people are losing their minds. I just think I should  blog today about this scamming that is going on, people calling you using internet phone that doesn't show their IDs to try to get into you personal world. Don't you think if Microsoft people called us our caller ID would show us that the call was from Microsoft? I doubt we would see "UNKNOW".

So please, you out there, don't let ANYBODY try to fool you. Don't give personal information  over the phone or let people getting on to your PC with the intention of fixing it. Believe me, it would be cheaper for you to call a technician and have it checked, or buy anti virus software than it would be for you to fight identity theft. BE careful you all and God be with us.

Let's pray for the humanity and hope that someday this will change and  as John Lennon  said " .. and the world will live as one"

Now, it's time for me to disconnect from all the world out there and start my embroidery work, start working on my first birthday dress and look forward to the next baby wearing my little first birthday dresses.

Have a peaceful day and God bless

Monday, April 15, 2013

Forever thankful for what I have

Hi there :)

How has your  day been so far? I haven't accomplished everything I wanted to get accomplished today... Oh well there will always be tomorrow...
Do you think so? We wish we could be so sure about tomorrow, we hope that tomorrow will come, but, for now all we have is the precious present, the "right now".The future is uncertain... I feel like I haven't accomplished too much today but, at the same time I am so glad that all the work that I have done today, all my embroideries, my precious First Birthday Dresses, my house chores, being a mother, wife, etc. All that I have accomplished today was well done. That is the most important thing.
Right now, when I just switched off all my machines, I am having a little time to myself and I don't want to think about tomorrow. So, I need to learn how to turn off my brain for the rest of the evening and relax.
We had a wonderful weekend also. We got Isabella's new bedroom painted and new carpet installed, she feels so happy and thankful. For the first time she finally has gotten a bigger room that is not cluttered. I have never seen her so happy, since she got back from school I have heard three times so far... "Oh mommy, I love my new room" :)) It feels good to know that our little one appreciates what she gets, it was worth of all the hard work, all the paint in my hair, the stress of  having all that furniture in the hallway... My little girl is happy and if she is happy, mommy happy as well :)
At this moment, I feel so thankful as well for the gift of being able to work from home, to be able to pick my daughter up when she leaves school, having her coming to my room and talk to me once in a while. I think every mommy in this world deserves this gift and then I feel so lucky that I have it.
Many people has asked me if I  have never thought about having a store front and get my business out of my home. Who doesn't want to get bigger? Of course I do but, not until Isabella enjoys my company. Maybe when she is older and doesn't want me around no more, then, I will think about that, but, right now, I am happy and thankful that God has given me this opportunity. Thank You Lord for everything you have given to me and thank you for this day. Rainy or sunny, cold or hot, as long as I am alive, It will always be a wonderful day no matter what.
Thank you for my Family and friends. Thank you for my wonderful customers and my business...
Lets let the evening begin :))) SMILE :)))))))) Life is  good...
God bless,

Friday, April 12, 2013

Laugh at your problems and they will go away LOL

Good morning my friends!!! Ahhhhhh nothing like a day after another and a good night of sleep in between them  :))) 
Yesterday it was a mess at Embroidea Custom Embroidery, oh boy... I lost everything around, lost my embroidery hoop device that if you read my last blog, you remember what happened, my customer actually ended up finding it in the leg of her racing suit, thank God for my wonderful Customers :)))) Also, I lost my virtual PC inside my windows 8, boy, it wasn't a pretty thing! LOL By the end of the day I was worn out, but still made it to Isabella's ballet class., It was funny though, I amuse myself LOL I have never laughed so hard in my life as I did yesterday. 
Everything I needed seemed to be lost somewhere... Thank God I never give up on anything. Brian, my husband,  was ready to re install all my software back again, when suddenly realized that I could have just moved the files around among all the 6 hard drives I have plugged on my PC. Windows 8 is AWESOME but the problem is, having a windows XP running virtually on Windows 8 makes me so confused. I never know where I left my files, always dragging them back and forth. Everything is just fine now.. I can have a beautiful Friday, I actually even took a shower today! (joking!) LOL Well my friends know I am always joking around about only taking shower on Saturdays, in order to save water LOL  during week days, I wear cologne LOL.
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL  no matter what we go through. As long as we are breathing : ))  Everything is good. Just laugh at your own problems that they will go away. Well, mine go anyways, not even my problems can stand me for a long time LOL...
We... If at least I could find my can of machine oil.... LOL
Have a MARVELOUS Friday you all kids :))))
God Bless

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am so glad I am not a surgeon!!!

I have been looking for one of my embroidery hoops for quite a while today it was no where to be found.
So, just now one of my Customer sent me that message saying I forgot my hoop inside her garment...
Oh Boy, aren't you all happy that Zee is not a surgeon???? It would NOT be a pretty thing if I were one... Not a pretty thing...
I better keep on  doing my embroideries, stick with my Birthday dresses and always double check inside the garments if  a pair of scissors or hoops is not keeping inside. I also should never try to adventure in being a doctor... not a good thing my friend... not a good thing at all LOL
Now I keep wondering if this was the first time... huh.
Well at least it made me laugh a lot just now :))))))))
I think I don't like the idea of  being old and forgetful. LOL

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My First Birthday poem

This is  our Isabella on her First Birthday :)
Hi there :) The day is almost over and before I switch off my machines and PC, I am going to share a little poem that I read on this website
I hope they don't mind me sharing  because it is just too cute :). There is nothing I love doing more at my work than embroidering my baby dresses. While I work on them I wonder how many babies are having their first birthday today?... How many babies have been born today so far?... God bless  and keep everyone of them safe and protected. Ok here is the little poem, I hope you enjoy it.
Happy Birthday to you little baby  :)))

1st Birthday Poem

At last, your first birthday is here
Your toddler days are very near
You’ll have a party to celebrate
With friends and relatives.. how great
Mum is going to bake a cake
It better be chocolate… for goodness sake
Dad will be busy helping mum
Oh boy! It sure is gonna be fun
There will be lots of other little kids
All spilling their food on their bibs
The unwrapping of the gifts is just the best
Who cares what's inside, lets put the paper to the test
When your happy day is coming to and end… have no fear
Just know Nanny and Poppy’s love is always near
Submitted by Wendy, Australia

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SMILE life is beautiful :))

Good morning Sunshine! :)))
I am alive and it's a beautiful day :) Nothing can be better than this.
I have always been so fit, used to workout walk five miles every, who would think that a healthy person would have heart issues?
Once we realize how short life is, our entire perspective changes.
Two years ago, I found myself in a operation room and realized that it could be the end for me that day. For some reason I wasn't scared, I asked the doctors:
- Have you had breakfast today?
- Do you feel pretty good? Do you know I have a 5 years old daughter at home who needs me to be around for a while? :)))
 They all laughed and all I remembered is waking up in pain. I realized that my life would never be same again. I had a lot of stitches in my chest, I couldn't breath well I couldn't sneeze or cough. I went through some though times... But,  I went to all my three months Cardiac Rehab classes and realized I wasn't alone, there were so many people out there with the same concerns. I've learned I had to eat healthier, exercise AND I would have to take my warfarin for the rest of my life. I cant have my blood too thin because I would take the risk of bleeding to death, I cant have my blood too thick or I would have a blood clot. It's so hard to keep it all under control, since some other medications or food can  mess-up my INR. When I realize all that, I went through some down time, one week after the surgery I was back to work embroidering my precious dresses, I was trying to bring my life back to normal but, inside me, nobody could see that I was hurting and SO SCARED.
Nowadays, two years after my surgery, I am still scared sometimes but, I have realized that life is SO BEAUTIFUL and "little things" don't count as much to me no more. I am focused on the "real" good things  in life, spend time with my family, let them know how much I love them. I am always thinking in a way that I can make a difference in this world. Before my mitral valve replacement, I think I took everything for granted, I dint know how fragile life is...
I have always been thankful for what God has given to me but, nowadays it's so different. Everyday, when I first open my eyes in the morning, the first thought that comes to my mind is: "Thank God for one more day" I cant explain you the gratitude feeling that I have for being alive, just being able to wake up, no matter if it is raining, snowing, sun shinning or not. It doesn't matter the bills I have to pay, all the work I have to do, all what counts is, I AM LIVE :))))))))) I have one more day to spend with my loved ones and that is all what counts.
Why is that that we have to go through so much, to learn such a simple lesson?
So, I wish I was able to let people know before anything bad happens to them, how lucky we are to be here.
Don't worry about "small things" You are so lucky and blessed, if you are healthy, you can deal with anything else, life is amazing... Let your loved ones know how much you love them as much as you can.
I tell everyday to my family and friends how much  I love them. The funny thing is, when Isabella, my 7 years old wakes up the first thing I say is "Have a told you  today that I love you? And I tell that all the time we are together, sometimes she gets frustrated and tells me:
- Oh well, just making sure I didn't forget it :)))
God bless you :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back from Iowa City

Hi there :)
Nice being with you again :))
Here I am back home from my trip to Iowa this weekend.
I am proud to say that I am part of this wonderful non profit organization named Pilot International. Last Friday, a couple of friends and I drove to Iowa City to our Midwest Convention. What a blast we had. It was so nice to see my wonderful friends in Pilot, it feels just like I have a huge family wherever I go. we always meet new friends, and see the old ones. All of us with the same desire to make a difference in this world. Pilot International was founded and chartered as an international service organization in 1921. The main objective of this organization is to promote the awareness and prevention of brain-related disorders, and improve the lives of those affected by such disorders, through education, volunteerism, financial support and research. I am so proud to be a member of this organization and feel so happy that I can help others.
I had a wonderful time with my Pilot friends, learned a lot, but, it is so good to be back home where my husband and daughter were waiting for me. What a lucky woman I am for having such a supportive husband, who feels the need of letting me go after my dreams, giving me wings when I need to fly... Thank you Lord for being with us during this trip where You kept us safe and brought us so much joy.
I got back home a few hours ago, spent some time with my family and now, I am back to my pc where I checked and replied e-mails.
I feel so anxious to see my new First Birthday website working just like I want it to be. I have so many ideas and I hope that soon I will be smiling big because my dream will come true. Do what I love doing, making people smile, and helping others at the same time. I feel so blessed.
Thank you dear Lord for everything  that you have given to me and thank you for giving me patient and wisdom to understand that things happen in the right time.
Thank you Lord for my wonderful Family, friends and customers,
God bless and be with every one of you who is reading this post. You! yes, YOU! You are so important... So special...
Thank you for your company and please, let me know if you think that there is anything else that I should be doing in order to make this world a little better.
Talk to you soon...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My First Birthday Dresses

Hi there ;)
This is my first time blogging about My First Birthday Dresses. I thought about asking somebody who really know what they are doing about blogging to post my first one. Somebody who really knows how to speak English and it would be a beautiful post. But do you know what?
I am writing this myself and period. :) English is not my first language and sometimes I have a hard time finding the right words to say but, this is me... This is the Zee that a lot of people know and learned to respect and love just the way I am :) Thank God.
I finally got to separate Embroidea Custom Embroidery my main website from the Birthday dresses, I have been trying for a long time.
 This is all about kids, something I REALLY  love doing: My First Birthday Dresses It's my passion, my hobby and my work. I started doing embroidery a long time ago and used to do it by hand, nowadays when I stop to watch my machines working, I get amazed, its magic...
What makes me happy is when a mommy sends me a picture of the baby wearing the dress that I made specially for her... I cant explain the feeling... :))
There is this little girl who I have been embroidering her Birthday Dresses since her first birthday, the last one I embroidered was for her 6th Birthday, then, I started embroidering her little sister's dresses as well. These kids became so precious to me, it's wonderful to watch them growing and I am always looking forward to see their beautiful little faces every year. You can see them here.
My dresses are one of a kind. If a mom doesn't seem to find a dress that she likes on my website, all she has to do is contact me with what she needs. I will stop everything and work with every mom.
I have a great desire of leaving this world a better place for my kids, my grandkids and every kid after I am gone. I have been thinking in a way that I can make a difference  not just selling my birthday dresses but helping others. I know for sure that God has a great purpose and plan for me and I know that at the right time, He will point me in the right direction.
I hope this blog can put us all moms together, here you can share your concerns, your happy moments and give me some ideas for the dresses...
I am mother of Charles (26) who I adopted when he was 2 years old, Tamy, (21) who was just a day old and Isabella (6 years). Also, I am also the grandma of Victoria who is 2. Yep, you are right, I wish I could spoil my little granddaughter as much as I could but, unfortunately, they live in Brazil, far... far way... If you are a grandma and  have your grandkids close to you, never take it for granted, you are a lucky Grandma :)
Well, I guess this is all for now but, I will have some pretty good funnies post soon since my daughter Isabella is 7 going on 30 LOL. She is hilarious and comes up with the funniest sayings ever...
You feel free to share your stories as well. I would love to hear from you.
God give us all patience and love to raise our kids well and God bless you and your family.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. If something doesn't make sense to you, please ask. I am from Brazil, my First Language is Portuguese, sometimes is hard to find the right words. I love communicating with people through e-mails because sometimes I can even joke... Ohhhhh Look at this I didn't even have an accent!! LOL
Dream on Zee... Dream on... LOL
God bless!