Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday.. Monday...

Monday … Monday…


Have I already told you that I love Mondays? LOL


Yes, I always do, but, today it’s been one of those days… My machine has a “color change seek error message” I have searched all over the Internet how to fix it without calling the repair guy but, I haven’t had any luck... Maybe tomorrow…


Do you know what? Although I feel stressed out, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I guess I have something to learn. Things like not accepting orders to be done next day like I always do J well, how can I do that? I don’t have the heart to say no to my customers. I like to feel useful, help everybody out. It’s 7:42 pm and I am still working. Thank God I love my embroidery work.  When we do what we love, we don’t feel like we are working


I won’t lie and say that I haven’t cursed like a sailor today because I do have. That is ok too, I work only by myself... I can do whatever I feel like doing, this is the beauty of being self-employed LOL. Well, but I cursed text messaging with Fred, I wonder if I am going to hell LOL


Nobody can go to hell for cursing by themselves right? Ok kids, it doesn’t matter how troubled my day has been, all that matters is, I had one more day of life to spend with the ones I love J Life is good. Isn’t it?


I am so glad also for the great friends we have J Poor Fred tried hard to cheer me up today LOL Zee was not a happy camper! LOL


It’s all going to be all right when that Mr. Technician comes and gives all my babies machine a tune upJ They are really needing it J


Its 8:49 now and I am starving, I think I am going to embroidery two more shirts and call it a day J  there is a good smell of food coming from the kitchen! I wonder what my wonderful husband is making for dinner J Whatever it is I bet it is going to be delicious, as my mom always says “ when we are hungry we don’t pick the color of plate  that we are going to eat off” LOL My mom and her sayings… She makes me laugh and smile only by thinking of her…


Thank you Lord for one more day, it’s all good. Tomorrow will be a better day.


God bless the entire world.


Peace and love




  1. Zee, life IS good! Sometimes things are just more challenging than we would like them to be. Cursing like a sailor is just your way of venting frustration and if your boss is the only one to hear it and she is OK with it, then curse away! LOL Hang in there, kid, life stays good as long as your friends are there to help you out!


  2. Thanks Fred... The sun is shinning, yeah, LIFE IS GOOD...
    Thanks for your nice comment :)
    Your such a sweet pie :))
