Friday, April 19, 2013

Breakfast among the Red Cross heroes of 2013

What a good place to have breakfast this morning :)))  Among heroes, people that have found really joy, pride and satisfaction helping others and making a difference in this world. The Red Cross did a wonderful job recognizing this heroes. The ones we don’t see on TV every day, the ones we don’t even know that they exist.

It felt so good and rewarding to be among those people this morning, I felt completely at home. I knew I wasn’t alone and there is a lot of people out there who feel just like I do, feel like they have a mission to accomplish in this world and they found out what it is. Since the young girl who sends shoe boxes filled with items to the Soldiers fighting overseas to the elderly lady who volunteers at the school, all of them, one thing stayed with me, the lady that said. “I don’t want to just stay sitting on that chair at home, if I do that I will die” That is so true! If we don’t get out and do something to make this world a better place, we will die… We want a better place for our kids. We all want them to live in a better world.

I feel proud of myself donating every month to the wonderful Red Cross. It’s not too much but sometimes I get myself thinking how wonderful if all of us donated that same amount every month, how many people we could help in this world?

I feel so fortunate because in my business, I don’t spend money with advertising, everything I would use for that, I instead donate to organizations that I believe helps this world being a better place. My wonderful Customers, God bless each and every one of them, do that for me, they advertise my business for me. Word of mouth is my advertising. The reviews that my Customers leaves for me  is my advertising and my work speaks for itself. So, because of all of you all, I am able to help in my community

God bless your heart!

God bless America,

God bless the entire world!!!


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