Celebrating a decade in the USA. Thank you America :)))

10 years ago, we were arriving at the O'Hare Chicago airport. Tamy, my oldest daughter, Pink, my beloved poodle and I...
This morning I have been going through my memories, I remember how different it was to us, Poor pink had just had her hair cut and she was so cold and shaky, when I finally let her go outside to pee, she peed for so long.. Poor thing.. Then, I remember our drive on our way to Springfield, it was so much different from the things I used to see on TV... I had another image in my mind of how things were like here in the USA.
When we finally got home, Brian's house was so little and I thought that all the houses here looked like doll houses LOL. Oh boy, something that I think it was the hardest to get used to, it was the fact that we had to keep all the doors closed because of the heater or air conditioning. Our doors is always open in Brazil, so that seemed insane to me to keep the doors closed all the time but, oh well, if we must, we must LOL
It was a small house but very cozy, Brian prepared everything to receive us. Tamy's room was so pretty and well painted and so it was our bedroom. I didn't like the mismatch couches and the old trunk that he used as coffee table in the TV room but, I knew that would change soon LOL.
It was a lot of things to get used to, Tamy had no problem adapting to this new Country, she fit right in.

All my first time doing everything was a disaster LOL, my first haircut in the USA, my husband took me to one of the fast and cheap hair cuter places and when he went to pick me up I was sitting on the sidewalk crying because the lady cut my bangs so short and made me look like a Native Indian girl in Brazil. My first time driving in the snow, oh gosh, I will never forget. I had no clue how it was like and we lived in a very busy street, I had to be very fast getting out of the driveway, that day boy, I learned what making donuts was like, my first Chevy tracker started spinning in the middle of the street like crazy and I thought, what the heck is going on???? It was fun thought... LOL

My First tornado, oh boy, that was the SCARIEST thing in my life. Isabella was 3 weeks old and I was all by myself since Brian and Tamy went to pick up his mother at the airport in Saint Louis... I will never forget that day...
But oh the first snow... The first snow was AMAZING :) Anita Phillips, my first friend in the USA, called me and told me to look outside and oh my.. Its was snowing... So beautiful. Thank God for Anita and my friend Beth Hall who helped me so much at the beginning of our journey in the new land... You guys made things so much easier for me... Beth is in heaven and resting in God's arms, Anita in a decade has moved to Brazil, came back to the USA, got divorced, re married and is happy, thank Lord... Love you Anita :)
The American culture is so different from the Brazilian one... Once I got used to it things got easier to me. I remember something that really got my attention when we first moved here was the patriotism of the American people. Every house had a flag, I remember emailing my friends about that, how beautiful it was to see how Americans love the country. Now, I am half Brazilian and half American. I love this country too and I want to see this wonderful country get better and better, no matter which party is in command, no matter, if it is Democrats, Republicans or Tea Party, I love America and I am thankful for being so welcome so well into this Nation.
Today I want to say, THANK YOU USA for allowing us to live here, have my beautiful little family, grow my business and don't be afraid to dream as Eleanor Roosevelt, said "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
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