What is the right price for what we want?
Last Friday, my husband Brian and I, went to pick up Isabella, out daughter, who was playing at her friend's home, we noticed the next neighborhood was having a garage sale, so, we decided to drive around and check them out. I love garage sale :)) Don't you?
We went to one of the sales and found Isabella a nice little table for her playroom, then, I saw this bicycle, it looked brand new, it was complete with the helmet and everything else. I have been wanting a bike for quite a while but, haven't had the time to go buy one, it is always one thing or another and I always end up forgetting. My husband told me, you should buy this bike, it looks brand knew it's $125.00. I looked at him and told, this is a garage sale, how can I pay $125.00 for an used bike, no matter how nice it looks? As, it was the first day of the sale, I didn't have the heart to bargain. As we kept driving around, the more I thought about that bike, the more seemed like it would work perfect for me, then it got late and we came back home.
Next day, first thing in the morning I told my husband, I want to go there and get that bike, I really like it, so, we got dressed and left, I knew exactly where that house was but, when we got there it was too late. The lady had sold it and I got really disappointed. Why didn't I get it yesterday? I thought that as it was already almost 6:00 o'clock in the evening, they would be closing the sale soon and I would have the time to come next day in the morning and buy it. Yesterday it was too late.
I learned a very important lesson losing that bike. I've learned that if we see something that we really want it right in front of us, we have the money to buy it, so why not? why to wait until tomorrow? Tomorrow may never come...
I know it was just a bike and I can find many others out there but, I have learned that from now on, whenever I see something that there is only one and I have the chance to get it right at that moment, I will do it and period!
It reminded me from last year when a lady saw one of my first birthday dresses on my website, she loved it but, she didn't buy it. As I always say, my little dresses are not the kind of dresses you will find any place else, I don't keep stock of dresses, I buy a few at a time, unless you print a picture and have somebody else embroider it exactly like mine. That is the only way you could get it, but, it wouldn't be unique no more, it would be a copy.
That lady, some days later emailed me telling that she saw a dress on my website and she wanted one exactly like that one. I wish I could have helped her with any other dress but, she had her heart set on that one dress and it was gone. I felt so bad for her when I read her last email, 'I REALLY WANTED THAT DRESS" she said. I know now, exactly how she felt.
My advice to you is, if you are looking for something, you can afford it, it is right there in front of you, BUY IT, somebody else might grab it first and then, you will be wondering for a while "what the heck was I thinking?" I have learned that the price of something is not the price that it has on its tag, it is how much you really want it... I have seen and have done that already, seen something that I don't really want it, or need it, but the price is so cheap that "I just couldn't pass it" Isn't that ridiculous? We bring a product home because it is to cheap to pass on it, and we end up selling it at our garage sale for a quarter. What a big profit we make when we do that huh? LOL
We human being are very complicated... Its so hard to understand why we act like that sometimes.
I have learned that one already, when I see something that I think I should buy because it is to cheap, I put that money aside for when I see something that is expensive but I really want or need.
Just wanted to share my thoughts. Sometimes It's so much better when we learn with other people's mistakes than our own :)))
Have a great week ahead kids...
God bless
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