Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SMILE life is beautiful :))

Good morning Sunshine! :)))
I am alive and it's a beautiful day :) Nothing can be better than this.
I have always been so fit, used to workout walk five miles every, who would think that a healthy person would have heart issues?
Once we realize how short life is, our entire perspective changes.
Two years ago, I found myself in a operation room and realized that it could be the end for me that day. For some reason I wasn't scared, I asked the doctors:
- Have you had breakfast today?
- Do you feel pretty good? Do you know I have a 5 years old daughter at home who needs me to be around for a while? :)))
 They all laughed and all I remembered is waking up in pain. I realized that my life would never be same again. I had a lot of stitches in my chest, I couldn't breath well I couldn't sneeze or cough. I went through some though times... But,  I went to all my three months Cardiac Rehab classes and realized I wasn't alone, there were so many people out there with the same concerns. I've learned I had to eat healthier, exercise AND I would have to take my warfarin for the rest of my life. I cant have my blood too thin because I would take the risk of bleeding to death, I cant have my blood too thick or I would have a blood clot. It's so hard to keep it all under control, since some other medications or food can  mess-up my INR. When I realize all that, I went through some down time, one week after the surgery I was back to work embroidering my precious dresses, I was trying to bring my life back to normal but, inside me, nobody could see that I was hurting and SO SCARED.
Nowadays, two years after my surgery, I am still scared sometimes but, I have realized that life is SO BEAUTIFUL and "little things" don't count as much to me no more. I am focused on the "real" good things  in life, spend time with my family, let them know how much I love them. I am always thinking in a way that I can make a difference in this world. Before my mitral valve replacement, I think I took everything for granted, I dint know how fragile life is...
I have always been thankful for what God has given to me but, nowadays it's so different. Everyday, when I first open my eyes in the morning, the first thought that comes to my mind is: "Thank God for one more day" I cant explain you the gratitude feeling that I have for being alive, just being able to wake up, no matter if it is raining, snowing, sun shinning or not. It doesn't matter the bills I have to pay, all the work I have to do, all what counts is, I AM LIVE :))))))))) I have one more day to spend with my loved ones and that is all what counts.
Why is that that we have to go through so much, to learn such a simple lesson?
So, I wish I was able to let people know before anything bad happens to them, how lucky we are to be here.
Don't worry about "small things" You are so lucky and blessed, if you are healthy, you can deal with anything else, life is amazing... Let your loved ones know how much you love them as much as you can.
I tell everyday to my family and friends how much  I love them. The funny thing is, when Isabella, my 7 years old wakes up the first thing I say is "Have a told you  today that I love you? And I tell that all the time we are together, sometimes she gets frustrated and tells me:
- Oh well, just making sure I didn't forget it :)))
God bless you :)

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