Monday, April 28, 2014

Blessings, Blessings, and more Blessings during the weekend and at Midwest Pilot Convention in IOWA

I had a wonderful weekend with my friends and sisters in Pilot this weekend in Coralville, IOWA at the Pilot  Midwest Convention.

It was a very special occasion for me because we had most of our Pilot Club of West central Illinois  Members attending, except for Diane Grimble one of our newest one who was going to join us but had a last minute emergency. Her sister had an stroke and  Diane's plan had to be changed. We missed Diane but she was present in our prayers and heart all the time. I haven't been able to get a hold of Diane yet, to check on her sister's health but, we all know that she has been taken care by the Best of the Best Doctors in the entire world, this Doctor is our Lord. He is our Shepherd Shaw we not want.
My heart is always filled with joy when I attend the Pilot Midwest or the Pilot International Convention because I enjoy hugging each one of the Pilot Members.  I enjoy seeing the smile on their face, and the desire to be a better human being.

As I had warned our First Timers Members before our trip that they were going to meet the best group of people this weekend. The group of people who has always a smile on their face, the group of people who will always be ready to give you a hug. This Convention has gotten the desire in my heart to increase our membership stronger and I am pretty sure that the more member the better we will be able to do more in our community. 

This morning, I feel a little bit tired but, my wonderful husband just called me inviting to go out for lunch since he can tell I look tired LOL
Chantel, Brian and Isabella
I want to say a special "Thank you" to my husband who has taken care of our daughter and dog so that I could make it to the Convention. Without his help, I couldn't do anything.  He is my wonderful husband, Best Friend, and my helper recruiting New Members to our Pilot Club.

Last Friday, while we drove to IOWA there was the Dance with Dads and daughter going on. My husband not only took our daughter to the dance but, also took one of our daughter's best friend who doesn't have a daddy. He acted as the Daddy for the two of them. My Hat is off to my wonderful husband for this beautiful act of love.
 What a lucky woman I am. No money in this world could buy all the things that I appreciate the most in this life, my wonderful little family and friends.
Sometimes I stop everything I am doing and ask myself: "How in the world did I get so luck?" I don't  have the answer for that question but if our Lord thinks that it is something that I deserve, I will always say "THANK YOU LORD" for all the blessings in my life. 

Thank you my friends and sisters in Pilot and hope to see each one of you soon.
If you are reading this post and have no idea who Pilot International is about. Please, ask me and I will be so glad to tell you a little bit of what Mission is about.

Zee Giddings

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