Thursday, October 31, 2013

Do witches dance with pirates?

Do witches dance with pirates?
Today is Halloween and later there will be all kinds of children in scary masks coming to our house for tricks or treats.  I know some of the children will dress up as witches and pirates. That got me thinking about something very important.  Do witches dance with pirates?  Well I know the answer and I will tell you a short story about the time a witch danced with a pirate.
But first you must know that not all witches are ugly and most are actually beautiful.  As a matter of fact, I've been called a witch before and I’m not that UGLY.  J  But real witches do carry brooms with them.  Some people think they fly on those brooms, but I think they just clean the house with them.  And Pirates, well they are funny looking men.  Even though they have two perfectly good eyes they continue to wear those stupid eye patches.  And to be a pirate you have a peg leg.  Why on earth would anyone want to be a pirate and be required to lose a leg??  Sounds dumb to me, but they are men so anything is possible. And then they talk funny. They always say Arrrrrrgggggg.  What the heck does that mean???  It sounds like they are mad all the time!!!
So as I think about those poor witches who everyone thinks are ugly with scary hats and brooms that don’t work.  And then those poor dumb men who are pirates with the silly eye patch and stump for a leg, I've decided they deserve to dance just like us “regular” people.  Dancing makes me happy so on Halloween I want a witch to dance with a pirate so they can be happy too. 

But the question is could they or would they?  I say yes!! Why?  Because I've seen them dance.   But I've left out one very important thing.  Witches do have special powers.  I know because I have them too.  And now they story I promised.

There was once was a lonely witch and on one October 31, she met a lonely pirate.  They decided to go out and have some fun so they went dancing.  The witch was having such a good time.  The pirate used the witches broom for support (darn stupid peg leg) and the witch thought the pirate looked so sexy in the eye patch.  They danced beautifully the night away and everyone watched them.  When the witch asked the pirate if he was having a good time he would say….Arrrrrrrrg matey!!  She thought that meant yes but with pirates you just can’t tell.  So as midnight approached and they knew they had to part, the witch asked the pirate if he wanted to marry her!  The pirate said….Arrrrrrrrg.  Which meant, no my dear I have to go back to my ship and sail away.  The witch got very mad because she thought the pirate liked her.  Now do you remember me telling you that witches have special powers? Well, as the pirate limped away, she cast a spell on him and turned him into a parrot! She put him in a special cage and clipped his wings so he wouldn't fly away when she let him out.  For the rest of their lives she lived happy with her new pet parrot who she also taught to speak Portuguese.

So that’s my Halloween story but…..Oh..silly me I left of one very important fact.  The witch, her name was Zee and she named her parrot Brian. How about this funny story for now ?
Happy Halloween everyone!!!


  1. OMG only you sweetie... Arrrggg- or is it- Brian wants a cracker!

  2. Yeah if I am going to post stories for kids I better what my LOLs :0)
