At the Lincoln Museum |
We are in the month of November and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I am seeing all my Facebook friends with the things in their life which they are thankful. I am thankful for everyday that I am able to get out of bed and thankful for everything God has given to me.
This year though, I have so many things to be thankful for… Of course I am thankful for the everyday things, kids, family, friends, Customers, business, First Birthday Dresses but what I am thankful for the most this year is… God has given me the tools to turn one of my parent’s dreams into a reality. My mom has always been afraid of flying, my dad has always wanted to but, oh well, they could never afford it, so early this year; I called my mom and daddy and told them to go have their passport done because they would be coming to visit us in the USA.
Going for a walk |
Their answer was oh we wish we could but it’s so expensive! I told them to go and I would take care of everything, paid for their visas, ticket and even paid for a friend’s ticket for her to come with them, just to make sure they would be fine since they don’t speak English. I had no clue where I would get all that money since they were traveling during one of the most expensive times of the year to fly. NO, I did not have the money for all that but….I knew I was smart enough to figure out a way to pay for the trips without going into debt. And I would do it honestly and legal. LOL . And I did!!
God has given me the strength to believe that everything would be fine. I was obviously very nervous because my mom’s fear of flying and her health issues.
My mom caught a nice size fish |
I am so thankful that I got to do this for my parents… Watching them walking in downtown Springfield square, my father would tell my mommy; “When in this world would we think that someday we would be here in the USA”? That brought tears to my eyes. I was so happy. I know I didn't have the money to take them to other parts of the US while they were here, but just being here with me and my family was grand enough for them. My daddy has never been in a fishing boat before but God provided.
This smile made it all worth of it |
One of my Customers who is a fisherman chaperoned my daddy and mommy during a nice fishing adventure. I don’t think they caught any whales but they sure had a great time!! I am so thankful that we had friends over to celebrate my daddy’s 66th years of life. We had a pool party and cake. My daddy wasn't expecting people to come and bring him gifts because nobody knew him. Oh but, what my daddy didn't know was that his daughter has the best friends in the world. They came over and brought him some nice gifts that he will cherish forever. His only wish was " I wish I knew how to speak English so that I could talk to everybody here" :))
Mom and Daddy with friends |
Going to the church with mom and daddy |
I am also thankful for my son, his wife and my granddaughter moving close to my parents in Brazil. I am thankful that they are now close to their family and the ones who really love them. Yeah, that is another dream I want to turn into reality, bring my son and his little family to visit us in the USA, they are young and can wait a bit longer I guess.
I am thankful for getting back to my workout routine and for trying to get back to my normal weight again, for my heart sake. I will thank God and my heart will thank me
I think that even if I spent the entire day here being thankful, I would not have time to describe all the things I am thankful for… God is amazing and so is the life He gave me…
My daddy birthday cake |
Oh I can’t forget that I am so thankful for Victoria Secrets as well… Oh no… here comes that Zee that has to come up with something weird to be thankful for. I know, I shouldn't be doing free advertising for a big retailer like them but I have never found a local regular bra that has helped me so much when I am at my normal weight… Yeah... You know… when we lose weight, the “girls” are the first things to go… LOL. I know Bello…Too much information here, but, I just cant deny that I am so thankful for Victoria Secrets…I’ll hush….for now. :)
Have a great day kids and keep on being thankful!!!!!
Have a great day kids and keep on being thankful!!!!!
God bless
Zee, You are a Blessed person for sure! I believe God is up there looking after you and providing you with the means necessary for you to help people. What you did for your parents was very special and they will remember forever! Just continue to spread your love, your good energy and keep up with the beautiful work you do! JB