Just stopping by to say Hello :)
Hello :)
I've been so busy with so many things going on that I haven't stop by to say "Hi" and let you know how things are at #My First Birthday Dress place.
Life has been pretty hectic lately.. I no longer have my helper. Debbie, just like me has her own dream and also wants to have her own Embroidery Business a success. I thought I would let her go I can be her friend and Mentor only. I think my place is to small for two ladies trying to get around this table, plus, you know, I am Brazilian and like the hot weather, Debbie is American and wants the cool air. Too many differences LOL. I have realized that while I am working out of my own home, I cant have helpers. I like my privacy too much, I like doing whatever I feel like doing, plus many other stuff.
Well, at least I tried and now I can tell for sure that I am not ready yet...
Today has been a good and busy day at Embroidea, got a lot of embroideries done and I even found a time to take a nap during my lunch time lol, the beauty of working from home :))
Amelia and her Mommie |
Today, more dresses went out to Virginia and I got to see the little face of Amelia who wore one of my First Birthday dresses on her special day! How cool is that? :) I love when my mommies send me pictures of their little ones :)) I pray that our Lord protect every little kids in this world. So many sad things going on lately. The tornadoes in Oklahoma was a catastrophe, God bless and be with all those people who lost their loved ones. Houses, cars, personal belongings we can get another one but they will never get back the loved ones they lost... My prayers and thoughts are with them..
Well kids... It's getting pretty late here... Tomorrow will be another day and a much better one :)
Have a great evening :)
God bless
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